maandag 17 oktober 2011

2 days in Rome

Deze tekst is in het Engels.
Onze leerkracht Engels had gevraagd om ons verblijf in Rome te beschrijven.
Mijn excuses alvast voor de schrijffouten maar dit is de eerste keer dat ik dit doe. 


At 7.15 a.m. in de morning, we took the train to Rome. First we slept a bit and then we went to the cafeteria four a little snack. On the train we met other students four the ‘comenius’ project. We arrived at 11.00 in Rome.

We asked the way to the agents. So an foot we walked to the school. When we arrived at the school, they pout us in different groups. But first there was lunch.

Maxim and I where waiting four Lien and Eulalie, de Belgium students.
We wanted the know how they are. They were here four almost a month. Everything was ok with them.

After lunch we went to our group. There where students from : Austria, Norway, Sweden, Eastland and Finland. We talked 2 hours about the project and did some exercising.

At 17.00 p.m. we had a pause four drink some coffee our eating some cookies.

Then finally we had the chance to visit Rome. We had not that much of time so we walked very fast.

 First we visit the ‘Fontana di Trevi’. It was beautiful. I took many pictures.
Then we went to Trinita dei Monti. And last but not least we visit the Colloseum. Again we took aloud pictures.

At 21.00 p.m. we where in the restaurant with all the students four dinner. The food was excellent. I was tired so we went to the hotel and I was in bed at 12.00.

7.00 a.m. the alarm goes off. Still a little bit tired but I took a shower and waited downstairs four breakfast. The breakfast was also good, unfortunately I was to late four the cake. It was already gone.

We took our luggage and went to the school again.

There we had again a hole day projects. Four me it was a little bit boring. Because we did this already in Belgium. I was a bit said that we didn’t saw Rome that much.

So at 17.00 p.m. we took the train back to Bari where are host family was waiting four us.   

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